Upcoming Event Info & Other News
Category : News
** Newsflash….. ———————————————————— Hey CAMRA Members and Craft Beer Enthusiasts,
Please join your CAMRA Victoria Executive for May’s Monthly event at Vancouver Island Brewery, Wednesday, May 22.
This event will start at 6pm Sharp.
At this event, we will get a behind the scenes look at the going ons in the brewery as well as get to know what is new at VIB since the recent re-branding and return to their roots.
We are limited to 40 attendees only, so will be taking RSVPs for the event.
Please email membership@camra.ca (mailto:membership@camra.ca) to Reserve Your Spot.
We will allow walk ups but only up to the max number of 40 attendees.
Attendees are welcomed to bring their growlers for filling.
And as always, Please Drink Responsibly and plan for a Safe Ride Home.
Hope to See You All There.
Secondly, HOPoxia (CAMRA.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=13c466132396bddc53ae2d7ba&id=97cbac4607&e=77b03b1968) is coming up on June 1st, and Phillips is on the lookout for volunteers to help with the running of the event.
We’re looking for at 6-8 volunteer for various duties around the event in two shifts. Serving it Right is not required
Phillips has stated that you can work a 2hr shift in exchange of enjoying 2 hours of the festival along with 5 complimentary drink tickets. All in all a pretty fair deal!
If you’re interested please email membership@camra.ca (mailto:membership@camra.ca) and we will pass along your info to the fine folks at Phillips!
We’re also looking for at least 2 volunteers to help out at the CAMRA Victoria booth as well. We will be selling our Pretzel Necklaces at HOPoxia this year.
So please email if you are interested. Deadline for volunteer signup is May 24th, so don’t delay.
Finally after some delay, our former President Greg Garner has put together a few words summing up his time on the executive. Enjoy!:
“Outgoing President’s Message” from past president Greg Garner”
As per usual we have undergone a year of change within the Campaign For Real Ale Victoria society. Our well attended AGM saw a well-rounded executive being elected that included two women, both new and old members, and even a Certified Cicerone! I can confidently say that we are in very good hands. On a personal note I felt it was time for me to step aside and let some new blood steer the ship. I’ve been serving on the executive for the past seven consecutive years in several roles and serving as president for the final two. I will still be participating as ‘Past President’ which allows me to attend executive meetings and provide some guidance but also step back and allow for new ideas and initiatives.
We continue to face the welcomed challenge of competition as a craft beer focused society. Competition for people’s time, their money, and especially competition from other craft beer events and organizations which have gone from almost zero to common place in Victoria. This is indeed a welcomed ‘problem’ as craft beer advocates and something that the founders and early members of CAMRA Victoria should be very proud to witness as pioneers of craft beer awareness in B.C.
CAMRA Victoria has dug its heels in over the past few years to provide its members with unique offers and unparalleled value for their membership fee. Unique offers include a focus on advocacy and education events while still maintaining a relaxed and welcoming approach to our meetings which are typically open to guests. We have never increased our annual dues and have ensured that active members receive far more than this nominal amount through complimentary pints, tastings, snacks, prizes, tours and guest speakers.
A final and farewell thanks to past executive members that I’ve served with, especially long-standing President Glen Stusek for his past (and continued) efforts, and lastly to the new executive who impresses me with their excitement and vision for how to keep CAMRA going strong. I look forward to enjoying ‘civilian life’ as a member and seeing you all at future events.
Cheers, Greg Garner Past President Also, I’ve attached an article Greg wrote back while he was at UVic about the history of Vancouver Island Brewery, which also makes mention of the late great Greg Evans in it. I hope you enjoy…..
(P.S.: I have tested the link and it does work fine. Cheers!)
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